Implementing strategic activities to promote a scientific and technological culture among children, Youth and adults of various communes of the Metropolitan Region, whereas the social inclusion and protecting gender equality, It is the goal of the three proposals by academics of the Casa de Bello, He led the explore program of Conicyt contest results.

With three selected projects of 18 nationwide, the University of Chile led outcomes of this competition driven by the explore program of Conicyt.

The proposals seek to promote a scientific culture through activities and pedagogical methodologies that will be deployed in various urban and rural communes of MRI schools.

Of the 18 selected initiatives in the Competition Regional dissemination and evaluation of scientific and technological associations project explores 2019-2022, the University of Chile was positioned as the institution number one award with three proposals that will seek to strengthen public and private networks, to design communication strategies and implement activities capable of generating awareness about the importance of science in the country.

The Director of research of the vine, Silvia Nunez, He referred to the social scope of projects. "For a long time scientists were isolated in their laboratories and the rest of the citizenry could not understand the relevance of their work, but this has been changing slowly. It is essential to support instances like this, seeking children, Youth and even adults to understand the impact of science and technology in their daily lives, because multiple areas of society can benefit from this task", added.

The projects will receive 250 million pesos for each year of execution, adapting to the regional reality and incorporating urban and rural communes. Also, they must safeguard gender equity and consider the social inclusion of persons in situation of disability, students with special educational needs and citizens from different ethnic groups.

The Director of world farm of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Carola Gutierrez, He heads an associative project started in 2012 that covers 13 communes of the South Eastern area of the RM, as La Pintana, Puente Alto, Florida, Peñalolén, San José de Maipo and farm, among others. Through activities and the participation of institutions related to this area, the proposal seeks that the citizens understand the importance of science and critical thinking both in their daily life and in the decision-making.

About the project, Gutierrez said that "will be implemented several activities that aim to strengthen the taste and interest in science from the youngest, through a program of science and technology aimed at preschool. This proposal also invite students and teachers to observe, explore and investigate the world that surrounds them through a tournament of scientific debates and school scientific research plan".

The school scientific debates be held in schools to encourage critical thinking, the peaceful resolution of conflicts and the formation of scientifically informed individuals. In both, preschool research program is designed according to the abilities of problem solving in early childhood and will be installed as a space so that students of different ages to develop studies in different areas.

On the other hand, the Member of the Faculty of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences, Sergio Lavandero, He heads an initiative that will focus on the community preschool, Basic and average of 17 communes in the North and East of the RM, He joined more than a thousand schools and represents 33% of the city population. Under the motto"The science is all, dare to live it”, different teaching methodologies that bring together science and technology with the support of a network of multidisciplinary partners from the public and private sectors will be implemented.

Professor Lavandero, who is also Director of the advanced Centre for FONDAP of chronic diseases (ACCDiS ), He stressed that "as a team we believe that science has a commitment and a debt to our society. Although scientists have vital work for the progress of knowledge, We must also give to meet our research and explain how our results provide and impact to solve the problems of the people. This project stems from the need to generate, stimulate and maintain the development of a technological culture in the school community".

This project will bring together other academic units of the Casa de Bello, as the faculties of dentistry and medicine, Hospital Clínico JJ. Aguirre and the Institute of nutrition and food technology, In addition to the Catholic University, the Central University and the Universidad Santo Tomás. The team will use digital platforms and perform monthly activities devoted to specific scientific disciplines with materials that encourage the attendance of the school community in this area, so in April will begin the plan with the social sciences and will deal with the problem of school bullying.

At last, the responsible for dissemination of the seismic risk of the Faculty of physical sciences and mathematics program, Sandra Red, He obtained resources to implement the project"Open and collaborative to a good live science"whose purpose is to address 22 communes of the area south west of the RM. Spaces for reflection will be generated for this, meeting and dialogue between the scientific world and local communities, by applying different languages and innovators who facilitate communication processes.

Rojas said that "this initiative will have different challenges, the approach of participation and coverage, gender equality, innovation, diversity and TRANS-disciplinarity as strategic issues. There will also be challenges of institutional character because we want to build a network with other couple explore inside and outside the University, In addition to other public and private institutions that will accompany us in the project. We seek to make management more efficient as possible and communicate that shares a closest science vision, citizen, "not cloistered in laboratories and service issues that concern and that contribute to a better living".
