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Events and calls

School research and innovation conferences
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Workshop ACCDiS: Cardiometabolic
We invite you to participate in our annual workshop, where...
Publicado en: Events and Calls, Workshop,
Talk: How to take care of your cardiovascular health and that of your children?
We invite you to participate in our virtual talk, in the...
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Angiotensin-(1-9) Retro-Enantiomer Peptide With Cardioprotective Activity
Authors: Yvo flowers, Gerald Zapata-Torres, Agustín Núñez, Douglas J. Matthies,...
Salivary peptide histatin-1 improves bone repair in vivo
Pedro Torres,Víctor Flores ​,Tania Flores, Patricio Silva,Luis González, Luis A. Córdova, Montserrat Reyes., Vicente A. Torres

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