Postdoctoral Fellows

María Paz Hernández

Role of estrogen receptor alpha in mitochondrial-lysosomal dynamics in male and female hypothalamic neurons: New Players in Autophagy Regulation. 

Ignacio Norambuena

Evaluation of the pharmacological effect of angiotensin-(1-9) On Insulin Desensitization in the Heart Induced by High-Fat Diet.

Maria Fernanda Gonzalez Castro

Helicobacter pylori exacerbates neurodegeneration through Urease-rich outer membrane vesicles that increase

Daniel Andrew Real

Rational design of gastroretentive nanovehicle transport systems produced using 3d printing techniques for potential applications in gastric cancer therapy.

Renzo Lemp

Nanoprobes for the detection of Singulete Molecular Oxygen in Systems of Biological Interest

Andreas Leonardo Tapia Arellano

"Microfluidics as a simple in vitro model simulating in vivo conditions for the study of the effect of functionalized gold nanoparticles on the β-amyloid peptide aggregation process"

Maria Gabriela Villamizar Sarmiento
Johana López Polo
Adriana Natalia auna Santander

Keila Torres
Line 4-5 (AC-CF)
Apoptosis and the role of long non-coding rnas in epstein-barr virus-associated gastric cancer
Karen Bolaños
Line 3-6-4 (AQ-MK-AC)

Nanomedicine applied to cancer diagnosis and therapy

Alejandra Hernández
Line 1-5 (SL-CF)

Effect of cholecystectomy and physical activity on fatty liver and heart disease

Wileidy Gomez
Line 1-2 (PC – SL)

Sexual Dimorphism in Mitochondrial Dynamics in an Anthracycline-Induced Model of Cardiac Senescence
