In the latest edition of the Chilean Journal of Cardiology 2020, several scientific studies belonging to our ACCDIS researchers were published. The special article, it's up to scientists: Andrés Ramirez, Mario Chiong, Jaime Riquelme, Sergio Lavandero from the University of Chile and María Paz Ocaranza and Jorge Jalil from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), who stood out with its publication "Antihypertensives in PATIENTS with COVID-19".

On the other hand, scientific studies conducted by the associated researchers at the Centre for: Jorge Jalil, María Paz Ocaranza, Luigi Gabrielli of the PUC, who are also part of the Center for New Drugs for Hypertension (CENDHY).

Other ACCDIS scientists, like Andrea Huidobro of Maule Catholic University, Hugo Verdejo, Gonzalo Martínez and the former mentioned Luigi Gabrielli of the PUC, they were also part of the review team of the Chilean Journal of Cardiology.

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