Explore RM Norte opens its applications to the Early Age Inquiry Program (PIPE) Module: Plants
Our PAR Explores RM Norte, invites educators, kindergarten education technicians and differential education teachers, who perform at the Levels: Middle (Medium Minor and Medium Major) and Transition Level (First and Second Level) out-of-board education, to be part of PIPE Module Plants.
This will consist of a distance learning programme, delivery of an activity kit and implementation in the classroom of some scientific experiences of the kit with the children (to the extent that the contingency allows).
Interested parties must be part of an educational establishment, whose commune is one of the 17 that make up the PAR Explora RM Norte: Lo Barnechea, Ñuñoa, Providence, Pudahuel, Quilicura, Recoleta, Renca, Santiago, Tiltil, Vitacura, Hill, Conchalí, Huechuraba, Independencia, The Queen, Lampa and Las Condes. They will be able to apply for a maximum of two people per establishment.
The Early Age Inquiry Program (PIPE), it's a pilot initiative, aimed at facilitating the learning of sciences at an early age, which is based on the Explora, whose purpose is to provide a space for children to develop, from the beginning of his school life, Skills, scientific knowledge and attitudes.
- Strengthen the scientific skills of the educational teams of parvular education.
- Developing in children the skills necessary for them to know and understand the world around them.
- Opening date received: June 18.
- Closing date receipt: July 17.
- Selection notification date: July 24.