From idea to action: more than 300 students shared their research at the Meeting of School Science Clubs
- December 22, 2023
- Publicado por: ACCDIS
- Category: News Featured news
The Explora North Metropolitan Region Associative Project carried out, during the month of November 2023, its Socialization Meetings of the School Research and Innovation initiative (Iie) and celebrated the research carried out by the teams of students who participated throughout the year in the activities of Explora RM Norte. In this opportunity, It was two days, on the one hand, Students from 1st to 4th grade belonging to the "Mini Explorador@s: Heritage and Multiculturalism" and, On the other hand, at the Mirador Interactive Museum (MIM) The students from 5th grade to 4th grade of the "School Science Clubs" met.
These events brought together more than 300 students and education professionals, who from June to November worked on their research projects and ended their participation in these meetings. Instances where they presented their innovative ideas and socialized their research with peers from various educational entities of the North RM.
School Research and Innovation (Iie), is part of the initiatives developed by Explora Región Metropolitana Norte of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and innovation, project implemented by the Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases (ACCDIS) and led by the University of Chile, through the Faculty of Science, Chemical and Pharmaceutical.
The Planetarium welcomed the Mini Explorador@s: Heritage and Multiculturalism
The first day of IIE's closing, took place on November 9, 2023 at the Chile Planetarium. This meeting was attended by 80 students from 1st to 4th grade, who were part of the 5 school science clubs of the "Mini Explorador@s: Heritage and Multiculturalism". On this occasion, The students presented their social innovation projects where they highlighted the cultural heritage that they themselves detected in their school communities and communes, under the premise that heritage is everything we have affection for.
"Our research team, worked on an ecological project in Cerro Trincaco de Lampa, Park that is very close to the school. The Idea, It was to bring the children closer to the reality that is lived on the hill, Regarding environmental pollution. Learning by doing, It was very helpful to us, Because the students didn't just realize the damage people cause when they dump trash on the hill, they also proposed and carried out ideas to improve this problem, One of the solutions was to make and install trash cans at the entrance to the hill, this activity was very enriching because we were also able to involve their families and they accompanied them throughout the investigation," said Carlos Morales Colegio, teacher at Colegio Emprender Larapinta.
The meeting was also attended by the scientific advisors of the National Center for Conservation and Restoration (CNCR), who had the opportunity to listen to the final presentations of the projects and give final feedback to their Mini explorador@s.
"We are grateful, for having contributed to the development of the initiatives, as it aligns with our mission as an institution dedicated to conserving and preserving cultural heritage. Together with my colleagues, we were scientific advisors of 5 projects from different schools, encompassing areas of archaeological conservation, Photographers specialising in heritage documentation, Museum Specialists and Deposit Specialists, so it was a pleasant experience.", said Barbara Trujillo, Curator of the National Center for Conservation and Restoration of the National Service of Cultural Heritage.
See photos here
The Mirador Interactive Museum was the meeting place for the School Science Clubs
The other instance of Encuentro IIE, was held on November 14 of this year with the School Science Clubs. On this occasion, 66 Clubs participated with more than 260 students from 5th grade to 4th grade, who socialized among their peers and presented the results of their research and innovation projects, that they developed during their school year in the different areas of knowledge and according to their own interests and contexts.
During this day, the students exhibited their work in poster format to their classmates and enjoyed the Museum's facilities free of charge. In addition, They received a workshop on the creation of tenths, taught by the School of Folklore and Crafts, in which they could express in a creative and artistic way what their research process was like.
One of the students who participated in the meeting, was Arianne Rubilar from the Liceo Industrial de Recoleta, who commented: "Together with my research team, we are working on the development of a copper-based sanitizer. Our project not only offers an efficient solution for cleaning, it is also environmentally friendly. I'm grateful for the opportunity, This experience marks my first participation in a science fair, I'm excited to know that it can be a meaningful contribution to our community.".
On the other hand, the natural sciences teacher at the Sister Maria Goretti School in Recoleta, Viviana Tapia, highlighted how happy the children of his School Science Club were to be able to show their research, in which they have been working during all this time "finally they can feel in a practical way what we have done in the school".
The meeting was also attended by scientific advisors, which throughout this period guided the research of the School Science Clubs, in this sense, Gonzalo Núñez, researcher at the Universidad del Desarrollo and also scientific advisor, He commented that "this experience is extremely important because it brings science a little closer to the students and teaches that doing science is not a difficult process, You just have to know what questions to ask and how to approach a problem.". Gonzalo, She has been participating in this type of event for 8 years and assures that "it is impressive to understand how students and scientific thinking are changing and make children more curious and want to learn much more".
During the meeting of School Science Clubs, the following recognitions were made:
– Best Project Chosen by Peers, Club: “Researchers in action” Establishment: Kingdom of Norway School Commune: Quinta Normal Docente: Erika Cañete
– Social Media Contest "Tell Us Your Research 2023", Club: “L@s Virtu@les: Chimerograph” Establishment: Desirée Commune School: Teaching Hill: Yubely Madriz
These meetings were a unique opportunity to socialize and communicate the results of the research projects developed by the students who gave life to IIE.
See photos here