A new weapon to combat hypertension is being developed in Chile, based on the use of a molecule that is found in the blood. Studies, led by the research associate at the Center for advanced chronic diseases (ACCDiS ), DRA. María Paz Ocaranza, they have shown that by providing it (externally) It can decrease blood pressure and, In addition, have a restorative effect on the heart and other organs.

The usual pharmacological treatment is based on drugs which inhibit the production or action of angiotensin II, a molecule that is enzymatically generated from angiotensin I and directly and indirectly increases blood pressure, explains the research associate at ACCDiS, Dr. Mario Chiong.

The academic faculty of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences of the U. Chile it adds that "time ago we describe that angiotensin I could become another peptide Angiotensin II, that is the Angiotensin 1-9 ", a small peptide of nine amino acids that were thought that it was inactive, but the researchers found that in addition to having biological activity, It has a contrary to Angiotensin II action.

"Studying animal models with cardiovascular diseases and hypertension, a decrease in the concentration of this molecule was observed. And we see that to the be again administered exogenously, decreasing blood pressure of these animals, and heart regained cardiac function. Administering the peptide exogenously would reduce damage by 40%,”, Adds the Member of the Division of cardiovascular diseases in the Faculty of Medicine of the University Catholic.

Dr. Chiong points out that drugs that have shown the most effectiveness in combating hypertension reduce organ damage by 15% to 20%. However, with these investigations could be demonstrated that the peptide, In addition to reducing the pressure level equivalent values, reduces organ damage by 40%. Therefore, In addition to being an anti hypertensive, functions as a cardioprotective. "If we give an animal model a hypertensive stimulus and then you are given the molecule, This prevents the development of hypertension. If an animal that is already hypertensive receives angiotensin 1-9, We observed a significant decrease in your blood pressure", exemplifies the Dra. Ocaranza.


Since 2008 the team has been investigating angiotensin 1-9. First, they discovered its ability to prevent abnormal heart growth, find which allowed to register the first patent in Chile - as a cardioprotective agent - and which was then validated in Europe and the US. UU. A second patent application, to use the molecule as antihypertensive, It was recently authorized.

Until now, 'peptide completed all tests without any failure preclinical, estimated that their use would be absolutely safe. 20 years ago, It was very common to use beta blockers as antihypertensive, but those who employed them, While they standardize the pressure, they had damage and mortality rates very similar to those who did not use medication, Since this was not protecting other bodies and, Therefore, the patients ended up dying due to these complications. We think that this drug may have twice the protection in relation to others and, the most important thing, It is that it would be done in Chile", Adds the Dr. Mario Chiong.


Source: Diario Financiero