In the frame of the month of the heart, the Center for advanced chronic diseases (ACCDiS ) is committed to preventing cardiovascular disease. For this reason, it becomes necessary to address food issues in pursuit of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

ACCDiS nutritionist and collaborator Andrea Huidobro, who is also a member of the cohort MAUCO academic Universidad Catolica del Maule, delivers recommendations to protect the heart through food.

What kind of feeding should be followed to avoid, as far as possible, Diseases Cardiovascular?

Healthy eating it doesn't just help prevent cardiovascular disease, but also cancer and other metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. She should have about 55% to 60% calories as carbohydrates, preferring the richest in fiber, like vegetables of all colors, Rice, fideos, wholemeal flours and fruits, and avoiding simple or refined sugars - such as sugary drinks, sugar and sweets-. In both, this diet should contain 20 to 25% protein, milk and its derivatives, Fish, egg and plant proteins and 25 to 30% fat preferring vegetable fats.

In addition, foods high in saturated fat should be avoided, processed meats, simple sugars, those associated with the onset of chronic cardiovascular diseases, metabolics and cancer. A good example of a healthy diet is the Mediterranean, which includes increased fish consumption, vegetables, fruits and olive oil.

Are there different dietary requirements based on age or gender?

Indeed,, food requires making changes over the years. When we're kids, milk and its derivatives are very important because of the quality of their proteins and the calcium intake, el cual se fijará en nuestros huesos hasta alrededor de los 25 años. Teenagers, on the other hand, should consume more calories because they are growing and developing, But later in life, energy metabolism is decreasing, so caloric intake should also decrease in order to prevent obesity.

On the other hand, women, al tener menor masa muscular que los hombres, tienen menor gasto energético, por lo que deben consumir menor cantidad de calorías. En caso de deportistas, en especial de alto rendimiento, también deben aumentar el consumo calórico, pero a partir de carbohidratos y proteínas, no de grasas. The general rule is that if I want to maintain my weight, I should eat about 25 to 30 calories per kilo of weight a day, depending on whether I do less or more physical activity.

Are there foods that actually possess beneficial properties that help protect our hearts?

That's right, are those who possess omega-3 fatty acids -present in fish, chia, nuts and soya- and omega 9 -olive oil-, as well as condiments like ginger, garlic and rosemary.

Andrea Huidobro, collaborator ACCDiS

Finally, does skipping meals or fasting affect our hearts “Detoxifying” who are currently in fashion?

There are no studies that support the benefit of such diets and, Physiologically, prolonged fasts are deletéous, because they slow the production of insulin and promote ketogenesis. This involves metabolic acidosis - that's why you lose your appetite with prolonged fasts- protein destruction to maintain blood sugar levels, that is formed from the destroyed proteins.

The body has to do this, despite self-destruction, because there are very sensitive cells, like neurons, who only feed on sugar and ketone bodies, not fatty acids, that can be food for almost every other cell.

Is there any advice I can give to those looking to maintain a healthy diet and life?

Of course. It is important to serve small portions, utilizar platos pequeños y priorizar porciones de alimentos bajos en calorías y ricos en nutrientes saludables -frutas, vegetables, condimentos frescos-. Also, no debemos olvidar tomar líquidos abundantes, de 1,5 a 2 litros diarios, preferentemente agua o en su defecto, bebidas sin azúcares agregados

At last, es importante recalcar que una dieta saludable debe ser parte de una vida saludable, con ejercicio, evitando el estrés, No fumar y, At last, realizarse controles médicos periódicos para descartar o tratar condiciones de riesgo como hipertensión arterial, Diabetes, resistencia insulínica y alteración de las grasas sanguíneas, among others.