Scientific meeting which brought together renowned national and international researchers was organized by the Faculty of dentistry.

With the convergence of renowned national and international guests, the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Chile carried out the Workshop "Autophagy": "Physiology and Pathological Roles". The conclave was organized by the Dr. Alfredo Creole and Dr. Mauricio Budini, academics from the Institute of research in Sciences dental (ICOD).

The achievement of an International Fund of ICGEB, directed both to the generation research as to organizations of meetings scientific, rallies, Workshop and symposia, allowed to execute a call to the more high level, especially after the Nobel Prize in medicine and Physiology 2016, delivered to the Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi, researcher at the Tokyo Institute of technology, for his notable discoveries in the field of Autophagy and whose research has allowed its relationship with diseases such as cancer and obesity.

Workshop Autophagy: Physiology and Pathological Roles en U. de Chile

The controlled process of intracellular self-abasement, She has shown to be an essential mechanism for a normal functioning of tissues, called Autophagy, It occurs in all cells of the body, all those days and is a form of eliminating what is damaged. "More than the removal of cellular waste, because they are not removed or destroyed but which is recycled, This is that, If we have a broken Chair at home and you can, break it and convert it into firewood, or use part of it to make a new Chair", exemplified DRA. Ana Maria Cuervo, Researcher at the Albert Einstein Institute, USA; an expert in the field of Autophagy invited to the Workshop organized by FOUCh.

The Autophagy findings, stressed the DRA. Crow, they have allowed to relate "Neurodegeneration, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, processes that occur in the brain with aging. As well as also with diabetes, pathology is highly prevalent in the population".

Workshop Autophagy: Physiology and Pathological Roles en U. de Chile

Science in the molecular era has made valuable contributions to the health and, Although the prize Nobel corresponds to medicine, studies of made in yeast. Autophagy is known since age 60', "until that then only be lepodia describe", look and see as it was, but not you knew them genes, or the proteins that regulate the process; and without that knowledge, the problem was how to change it", said it DRA. Crow.

It was necessary to decipher the black box, and the Dr. Ohsumi It did so through the study of yeast and the scientific community began to explore "see what happens if we take something to this process and it makes us say obese, or diabetics or empiezamos not remember things and that is what has helped put these pieces of Autophagy in the context of disease", He said the DRA. Crow.

Workshop Autophagy: Physiology and Pathological Roles en U. de Chile

Autophagy and diseases of aging and modern life

Thanks to the work in laboratory it has determined that laautofagia decreases with the age, regardless if it is or not sick. According to the research of the Albert Einstein Institute, It estimates that this physiological decline of Autophagy, is a factor of risk associated with the diseases of the aging, then "according to us we do more", "low Autophagy and are more prone to developing these diseases".

From the point of view of therapeutic, said it DRA. Ana Maria Cuervo, "it important is the impact that this can have in the health of the population" and by this is points to "recover the Autophagy and have it enough as to operate well", by what, during the Workshop organized by the FOUCh, is spoke of "drugs or interventions that are could do to return the Autophagy to the level in that not were sick".

Workshop Autophagy: Physiology and Pathological Roles en U. de Chile

From the birth and to the suspend was abruptly the supply of feed breast, Autophagy allows adapting and responding to nutritional stress. However, "If a young animal is taken and is available from a diet of high fat, carbohydrates and sugars, accelerates the decline of Autophagy; experimental samples have shown you can spend 20 to 80 years, in theory, only by diet. We have learned that dietary interventions will be very important, because in this Western society, What we do-diet junk- "van against the Autophagy", emphasized to the research.

Another aspect relevant is that the exercise and the good sleep also active the Autophagy. The Autophagy, stressed the DRA. Crow, is active when not is eats, and when not eat??, during the night. When we were working until afternoon and eat to not stay us asleep and power between quotes: yield or produce more, "simply are inhibiting the Autophagy of area and the cleaning of area", should make our cells, does not occur, because we are sleeping 4 or 5 hours".

Workshop Autophagy: Physiology and Pathological Roles en U. de Chile

As a doctor, the DRA. Crow thinks "that there are many interventions of habits of life that is could make to keep the Autophagy normal or avoid or delay the course of the diseases of the aging"; as well as, "studies on drugs that activate the Autophagy".

More research science in health for best political public

Is important to highlight how the evidence scientific is contributing mightily to our welfare; and somehow, journalists can help bring the research to the population. Many times it has the idea that this is far, However, the goal of biomedicine is find ways of improve the quality of life the population, but we need that throughout the world understand what we do, first because we need that support the type of research, but also because we need young people who have wanted to do research, to realize why we do this and the so significant impact that it might have on society in the population in general", emphasized the DRA. Ana Maria Cuervo.

Workshop Autophagy: Physiology and Pathological Roles en U. de Chile

By the same, is needed to meet the basic sciences and clinical efforts in this complex approach to a challenging scenario, where for example, It has begun to see that, many of the patients that have Alzheimer's results that are also diabetic, then there are now many studies trying to see this relationship between diabetes and Alzheimer's and as it may be modified.

A factor, not less relevant, next to those researchers basic and clinical is located the participation of them takers of decision. For this reason, said researcheris so important, the opinion public, because are people who choose to take the decisions in the future, and is important to having a decision educated, know who is the person that could withstand the kind of important things for everyone, "not only for those who do science".

Workshop Autophagy: Physiology and Pathological Roles en U. de Chile

It required collaboration public and international

On behalf of the Rector of the University of Chile, Dr. Ennio Vivaldi and of the Vice-Rector of research and development, Dr. Flavio Salazar, during the Conference opening, Director of research, the DRA. Silvia Nunez, He congratulated the staff of the Faculty of dentistry by the organization which considered various international guests.

Since the VINE, Silvia Nunez said that "the" Universidad de Chile has played historically a role dominating and of leadership in matters of research of excellence in our country. In all those areas and especially in the biomedical, our and our researchers and research, have contributed to the development of the knowledge with commitment and addressing themes of relevance international. This research, traditionally classified as basic, has been the pillar fundamental in that is has built the contribution research of them institutions University of the country (…)a necessary step in a long process, complex, "that gives them bases to generate a research applied in the long term".

Workshop Autophagy: Physiology and Pathological Roles en U. de Chile

In a challenging scenario for the well-being of future generations, It's a responsibility as State and public University, "that knowledge that we generate, look for solve the problems that our society and the inhabitants live each day and as is highly likely, This is a reflection of the needs of the population at the global level".

In this sense, is will look for "generate research interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary to understand and find solutions to thematic", as the aging population, the increase held for diseases mental chronic, Obesity, global warming, among others. Thus national and international cooperation in scientific research, It has a key role to address problems that affect transversally to the global society and especially to the poorest on the planet".

Workshop Autophagy: Physiology and Pathological Roles en U. de Chile

Silvia Nunez highlighted, of this mode, the contributions of the research of the Dr. Alfredo Creole and Dr. Mauricio Budini, in the understanding of the role of "the Autophagy in the pathologies oral", chronic inflammation or cancer-related, as well as, metabolic disorder and in other areas neurodegenerative diseases".

In view of the Dr. Alfredo Criollo What is projected, from the research in Autophagy are the diseases related with the aging, those linked to the obesity and its relationship with the cancer. "Will has seen that the Autophagy malterada in the cells hypothalamic-cells in the brain"- You can modify the sense of hunger or satiety". Now well, clarified the Dr. Criollo, "this is so complex that", because we have so many different tissues in our body, that Autophagy may act either positive or negative, Depending on the tissue. I.e., Autophagy is a thing in the cell of the hypothalamus, and another in our tissue fatty which generates another response in our muscle, When we started to run. "But certainly that the Autophagy points to resolve those problems as pathologies related with the age and with the metabolism".

Workshop Autophagy: Physiology and Pathological Roles en U. de Chile

Workshop Autophagy: Physiology and Pathological Roles en U. de Chile