Este jueves 02 de junio, the Dra. Soledad Bollo, Associate researcher of ACCDiS, done talk "Surfaces Nanostructured for application in electrochemical biosensors and plasmonicos", en el Auditorio Nº 2 de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Chile.

In this opportunity, asistieron más de 50 personas, between members of the Center, academics, students and the general public. It should be noted the presence of the Dean of the Faculty of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences, Professor Arturo Squella.

The seminar was sponsored by GrupoBios.

News on Faculty of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences UCH: http://www.quimica.uchile.CL/charla-superficies-Nanostructured-for-su-application-in-biosensors-electrochemical-and-plasmonicos /

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