Noticia destacada
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ACCDIS > Noticia destacada
“Estas experiencias son inolvidables y contribuyen con la formación de los futuros científicos y científicas del país”
Así describió a los “Laboratorios Itinerantes” la profesora de ciencias de la Escuela Alexander Graham Bell N° 402 de Pudahuel, Estrella Vera. Uno de los 37 colegios y jardines infantiles que participaron en esta iniciativa. Durante el mes de mayo, más de 1.100 escolares de la Región Metropolitana, recibieron la visita de los Laboratorios Itinerantes, […]
Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne de Tomás: lo que debemos saber sobre el tratamiento actual
Mario Chiong-Lay, Rosa Pardo y Sergio Lavandero, académicos de la Universidad de Chile, de las facultades de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacéuticas, de Medicina y del Hospital Clínico, revisan el problema de salud de Tomás Ross, niño de Ancud cuya madre llegó caminando a la capital con el propósito de reunir fondos para su tratamiento de […]
President Boric appointed Dr. Catterina Ferreccio as the new national director of the Institute of Public Health
This afternoon, President Gabriel Boric announced the appointment of Dr. Catterina Ferreccio as the new national director of the Institute of Public Health (ISP). This appointment was carried out after a selection process carried out by the Senior Public Management (ADP) system. According to what was communicated by the Government, Dr. Ferreccio is a surgeon […]
The Santo Tomás University received the teachers who will participate in the Explora RM Norte Mini Explorers
The Santo Tomás University opened its doors to welcome the teachers who will be part of the Mini Explorers of the School Research and Innovation initiative (IIE) directed by the Explora North Metropolitan Region Associative Project. The first meeting was held on April 25 and marked the beginning of the educational journey in which these […]
Pedagogical teams from the Metropolitan Region were trained to enhance scientific skills in their classrooms
The 64 educators, preschool education technicians and special education educators who will participate in the Early Age Inquiry Program (PIPE) already have all the tools to implement PIPE in their classrooms. The training sessions were held on April 9, 10 and 18, 2024 in various locations in the Metropolitan Region. The training associated with the […]
«Having only three girls in my tech class, was the call to participate in the School Science Clubs»
Así lo comentó el profesor Pedro Vera López del Liceo Industrial de Recoleta, el pasado viernes 19 de abril, en la primera reunión de Investigación e Innovación Escolar 2024 del Proyecto Explora Región Metropolitana Norte. Este año, participarán 95 Clubes científicos escolares, 7 Mini Explorador@s y 50 profesores de diversas comunas de la RM. La […]