Our Pair Explora RM Norte has already opened the call to participate in the PIPE initiative, that seeks to take advantage of the innate curiosity of children between 3 and 6 years old, using inquiry as a didactic methodology that helps preschoolers develop skills necessary to know and understand the world that the(as) Surrounds, enchanting them with the phenomena of the natural environment and awakening in them(as) amazement, emotionality and your ability to ask questions.

PIPE tiene como objetivo principal aportar al desarrollo de competencias necesarias para que niñas y niños conozcan y comprendan su entorno desde la primera infancia. Competences that allow children to be trained as citizens(as) of the XXI century through playful and active activities linked to the curricular bases of preschool education.

For more information and registration visit www.explora.cl/rmnorte/