Research Line: Deputy Director ACCDiS | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile | e-mail:

Catterina Ferreccio MD, MPH, University of Chile and MPH in Epidemiology, at the Johns Hopkins University.

Full Professor and Director of the Master in Epidemiology Program. Department of Public Health, School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC).

Area of interest: Prevention and control of cancers associated to infectious and environmental causes in Chile.

Work: Since 2014 Deputy Director Advanced center for Chronic diseases (ACCDiS ). From 1990 to date Professor of Public Health, School of Medicine, UC. 2000-2002 Regional Consultant at PAHO in Washington DC, operational research on cervical cancer in Peru, Chile and El Salvador. Research Assistant Professor of the Center for Vaccine Development, University of Maryland, School of Medicine; General Practitioner, Talagante, Chile.

International collaborations and committees

WHO country study group of Burden Foodborne Diseases, Advisory Committee of Immunization in Chile. Has been a Visiting Scientist at: IARC, Lyon, the National Cancer Institute, NIH/USA; School of Public Health. University of California at Berkeley. Has been President of the Chilean Society of Epidemiology.

Current research: Stomach cancer primary and secondary prevention. Gallbladder cancer natural history. Long-term effects of arsenic exposure in drinking water. Field trials of cervical cancer screening alternatives. Initiating a large population-based cohort to study the occurrence of chronic diseases and cancer.

Publications: 134 in peer review journals

Funding: Fondecyt, Fondef, USA EPA, WHO, NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates.