The member of the Minsal Advisory Council recalls: “We had said in zero time that transmission in the interpopulated and poor areas was going to be much more difficult”.

Every day there are more cases, there's more data, hay más medidas que se anuncian y hay más ansiedad por cuándo se producirá el fin de the pandemic.

En entrevista con Pauta Final, Radio PAUTA, Catterina Ferreccio, epidemióloga e integrante del Consejo Asesor del Ministerio de Salud, claims that the strategy needs to be changed, dado que en los sectores vulnerables no se están respetando las medidas porquela realidad no se lo permite”.

In his opinion, you have to isolate this whole group of people who are infecting. “Lo que tenemos que hacer es sacar a estas personas de sus casas, of your condominiums, de sus lugares donde viven y llevarlas a albergueso residencias sanitarias.

Light and darkness

Ferreccio disagrees with the health minister's approach, Jaime Mañalich, quien dijo quetodos los ejercicios epidemiológicos, the projection formulas with which I was seduced in January, se han derrumbado como castillo de naipes”. He pointed out that there is now a lot of information about the pandemic.

According to Ferreccio, “de esta epidemia tenemos más luz que de ninguna de las epidemias previas que hemos vivido”. He added: “Nosotros habíamos dicho en el tiempo cero que la transmisión en las zonas interpobladas y pobres iba a ser muchísimo más difícil de controlar lo que había sido por donde llegó la epidemia”.

In addition, the expert was especially critical of the virus detection tests. “None of the tests are 100% reliable y ante la duda, for example, there are two moments. There is the clinical picture that is to diagnose a person who is symptoms if it is Covid or not Covid, that is either more important and urgent because it implies immediate action […] and for that I do not care about the result of the exam, because even if it comes out negative, if the person is with symptoms and even more so if they have had a close history with the disease, esa persona es positivo y punto”, Emphasizes.

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5 de junio día mundial del medio ambiente

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