El pasado 10 de enero, the La Tercera newspaper published a letter sent by the researcher associated with MAUCO-ACCDiS and head of the Department of health public of the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile, DRA. Claudia Bambs, that refers to the most relevant causes of cancer in Chile:

Mr. Director:

Tobacco, alcohol and obesity are causes of cancer. La obesidad se asocia con 15 tipos de cáncer y el alcohol también, both by direct effect as indirect, contributing to obesity.

Is much evidence and little reaction at the level of public policy, which have focused on early diagnosis and treatment of affected persons, but are not taking basic measures for the prevention. Structural measures are needed, He introduced regulations to the system, to promote health and away from disease. As in tobacco, the single education for the population will not generate greater effect.

In obesity, nutritional labelling is a breakthrough, but is required to add other effective measures, How to upload more tax to sugary drinks, so you notice the effect to the Pocket.

On the other hand, It is untenable that the theme of alcohol remains an untouchable, and today even the high degree is available everywhere and at low price.

Let's be clear: Chile has cancer. We know the causes, but without regulation, There will be no solution.

Claudia Bambs S.

Head of the Department of public health Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Research associate MAUCO-ACCDiS


Photo: Medicine UC