Our PAR Explores NORTH of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and innovation, led by the University of Chile through the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and executed by ACCDiS, transformed its classic format of face-to-face talks in educational establishments, to a format of talks, workshops and capsules in the online area aimed at the general public, where scientists, researchers and communicators will be able to participate during this period of health crisis.

1000 científic@s 1000 classrooms 2020 aims to "strengthen the link between researchers, disclosers and society, through meetings in playful and participatory formats, promoting socialization and appropriation of knowledge".

Who can participate?

Professionals from the areas of natural sciences will be able to participate, social, Exact, humanities and arts that are pursuing postgraduate studies or who have a master's degree or doctor's degree in science-like areas, Engineering, innovation, technology, arts and humanities.

What are the modalities of online participation?

SCIENTIFIC CAPSULE: Refers to videos made by participants, related to a concept that may be of interest to the general public or a video related to research. Important: when you enter your capsule, will need to incorporate 3 alternatives to the subjects to be addressed. These issues will be taken to the public's vote through the RRSS of the MRN PAR, prior to the publication of the video, subsequently the election will be informed so that you can record your capsule according to the subject matter of greatest interest.

ONLINE WORKSHOP: Refers to videos made by participants where they perform a workshop or a practical scientific or technological activity, that can be executed by niñ@s with the support of a(to) Adult(to) in their homes.

recordings can be made with cell phone, PC, Notebook.

Enrollment here

Bases of the call here