
They are 10 thousand in 10 years

Molina MAUCO project already has more than 2 thousand 300 respondents

It is first time in the history of the country that will be observed and will assess the natural history of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, whose incidence in that area, is the highest in Chile

9P1Z0643TALCA.- The cohort (epidemiological study) that was launched in November last year already boasts a breakthrough, because to date have surveyed more than 2 thousand 300 molinense and are 10 thousand in total over a period of 10 years.
The scientific study includes surveys, biological sampling and other indicators, It will help realize the biological and environmental factors that predispose to the development of chronic inflammation and diseases, such as: gallbladder cancer, disease that is the leading cause of cancer death in Chilean women. In this context, It has created a Bank of information and biological samples, located in Molina and Santiago, thereby enabling the advancement of studies.
This was confirmed by the leader of the project Mauco, Dr. Catterina Ferreccio (PUC) who thanked the cooperation they are receiving from the community of Molina in the first instance, the municipality, hospital, the Catholic University of Maule and the health service, highlighting the joint work that will contribute to the public health of our country, delivering proposals to control the damage that are causing chronic diseases.

Ferreccio explained, During this first year have doomed to develop the infrastructure in Molina, enable spaces, to implement the agreements with the health service, hospital, the Seremi of health and thus gain access to all clinical tabs of the people who come to hospitalized.
"First registration it is, where technical trained nurse is assigned an Apple and go House by House picking up people from 38 to 74 years. The second part is the people who agreed to participate to sign a letter of consent. Then applies them a survey which considered: place of origin, diseases that had, hospitalizations, operations, medical Diagnostics; and also styles of life as: feed, physical activity, occupation, where he has worked and has been exposed to chemicals, where, When and how much time. "A detail not less is know the part socio-economic and level educational of them surveyed", clarified Ferreccio.

After the survey, to the population cognitive tests are performed (weight, size, pressure, muscle strength, amount of grease that has, ECG and abdominal ultrasound) that is they are repeating every two years, where you see how the State of health and if it deteriorates.
"Right thing to do is wait five years are 10 thousand people entered and with a refined database, but one can just go by analysis in the course of the investigation. But, We are well on the pace of income. At this time the blood tests we are lipid profile, liver function and blood sugar. But later more sophisticated biomarkers studies can be. It is likely that at the end of this year we make an analysis of the first 3 thousand samples", said the leader of Mauco.

Research will continue to 10 thousand people of the commune of Molina for 10 years to study risk factors for chronic diseases. Catholic universities participate, Chile and the collaboration of the Catolica del Maule with financing from the Fund for development of priority Areas - Fondap-, CONICYT.
The objective is to understand why there is a prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and cancer in Molina. And from what we can understand we can extrapolate it to the rest of the country and achieve public policy".

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