Biomarkers for the early detection of cancer

Biomarkers for early detection of tumors

Principal investigator: Dr. Alejandro Corvalan
Associated researchers: Gareth Owen

Chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer are the leading causes of death globally. Its incidence is increasing, also given that life expectancy has been increasing and its load is increasing disproportionately among lower-income countries. In the Center for advanced chronic diseases (ACCDiS ), It proposes the development of a population-based study to observe and assess the natural history of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and cancer, in a specific region of Chile, given that this geographical area has a high burden of cardiovascular diseases. We will focus on the identification of the specific causes of chronic inflammation, describe the basic mechanisms that lead to tissue damage and propose measures for prevention, early detection and appropriate treatment. To achieve this ambitious goal, ACCDiS brings together scientists who investigate chronic diseases in three different levels, It involves epidemiological research, Basic and clinical. In the basic fundamental groups, Science will focus on the study of cellular signaling events, associated with the genesis and progression of these diseases, as well as the application of such knowledge to the development of possible clinical applications and public health, through the use of nanotechnology. Our clinical basic groups try to translate mechanistic ideas obtained at the core of the clinic, While our core epidemiological, It will provide individual and environmental data necessary to interpret the results so you can develop new working hypotheses and proposed areas of intervention. ACCDiS brings together, in a collaborative and coordinated manner, six specific areas of expertise focused on a population-based cohort study (Maule cohort) What, eventually, incluirá a 10.000 people.