Biomarcadores Emergentes en Insuficiencia Cardiaca

Principal investigator: Dr. Pablo Castro
Associated researchers: Hugo Verdejo, Ramón Corvalán.

Heart failure is an emerging epidemic and commonly occurs during the last stage in the majority of heart disease. The prevalence has increased steadily over the past decade and only in us. UU. la insuficiencia cardíaca afecta a 5,7 millones de personas y representa la principal causa de ingresos hospitalarios en adultos, cifra que dio lugar a gastos de 39,2 millones de dólares durante 2010.
Data on the countries of Latin America are deficient, What draws enough attention, Bearing in mind that in these countries, including Chile, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality in the population.

Despite advances in treatment, the heart failure death rate remains high. Para el año 2030, la Organización Mundial de la Salud proyecta estima que la insuficiencia cardíaca causará 8 millones de muertes al año, en el segmento de la población mayor de 30 años de edad.
Is expected that implementations of therapy, in the early stages of the disease, delayed progression, improve the quality of life of the patient and the life expectancy of these. However, Despite the availability of prevention measures, the identification of subjects with greater risk remains a challenge.
In this context, an increasing amount of work has been devoted to the identification of new biomarkers that can help in risk stratification and the clinical profile of subjects, during the early stages of heart disease.
During the past years our team has investigated the role of oxidative stress, inflammation and metabolic changes in heart failure, in order to understand the complex pathophysiology responsible home heart insuciencia and its progression.