Our PAR Explores North of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation executed by the Faculty of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Chile, invites professionals from different areas of science, technology, arts and humanities to be part of the 2020 School Science Clubs.

Who can be scientific tutors?

The scientific tutor must be a professional in the different areas of the sciences, technology, arts and humanities that have the degree of Master or Doctor, or either, who is in postgraduate studies.

He must be a motivated person., you want to contribute from your knowledge to children, girls and young scientists who are starting out at this stage of fundamental training.

What does it mean to be a Tutor to a School Science Club?

The guardian must advise, support and advise an early school science club, which has its own research proposal

During this process, guardians must participate in mandatory:

Training workshop for school science club tutors

Tutor-club presentation meeting

Advance meeting

Application: Enrollment deadline: June 2 to June 15.

To participate you must register on the form below:

Registration form


Call available here