The identification of the molecule involved in the metastasis of cancer cells - Rab5- It is part of the contents of the book of biology, directed to the 2nd media.

As part of the contents of the text of studies of students of 2nd year, the scientific work of the team led by the Dr. Vicente Torres, Research associate ACCDiS, scholar of the Research Institute of Dental Sciences (ICOD), of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Chile and his line of research into cancer, It will bring the knowledge advanced in one of the diseases of high prevalence in Chile to the young people of our country, contributing to the increase of the quality of our public education.

After exposing the latest discoveries relating to the molecule involved in the metastasis of cancer cells - the Rab5-, the text of Editorial SM and distributed by the Ministry of education side Chileans, ends asking "What impact can have for the society described research? do you think that science can provide the best quality and life expectancy of the people? do you think that it could foster that?, in Chile, more studies like this?”.

Dr. Vicente Torres en texto de estudio de MINEDUC

From the science of border to public education

The scientific development of the Dr. Vicente Torres is rooted in the public education. "I trained at a Conservatory - in Cerro Navia-, then at the Liceo of application and, At last, did, both my undergraduate and my postgraduate studies in the University of Chile. With the above, I think that it is of utmost relevance to deliver the best elements of back to the same public education which I was formed, not just from the professional and scientific perspective, but in addition to the personal experience, taking as an example that it is possible to develop science of excellence, internationally recognized", expressed the Dr. Torres.

Dr. Vicente Torres en texto de estudio de MINEDUC

From the knowledge of boundary that generates the academic FOUCh together with his research team, "it should not be a privilege that is communicated only in our own areas and traditional media such as journals, Congresses and seminars, but that, In addition, We have the great commitment of achieving a real extent towards the society. This is exemplified in media, as the written press, radio - an example clear as a broadcast platform is precisely the program “To your health” our faculty-, or even web platforms", said the Dr. Torres.

However, added the teaching of the ICOD, "impact directly on public education, whether it is primary or secondary, a real challenge, in which scientists have much to advance and contribute. This area of broadcasting, No doubt, It will have important implications in promoting awareness in future generations, in Chile, it is possible to do science excellence and international".

Dr. Vicente Torres en texto de estudio de MINEDUC

Cecilia Espinosa Cortés
Journalist. Director of communications School of dentistry or. of Chile

Thursday, March 15, 2018

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