We invite the entire scientific-technological community in our region to be part of the "School Science Clubs" initiative, developed by the Explora Regional Project Explore North Metropolitan Region, Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and innovation. Clubs seek to help develop School Scientific Research in Natural Sciences, Social and/or Technology and Engineering, with a view to the XV Regional School Congress on Science and Technology ExploreRM North 2020.

How can they participate?

You can be The Scientific Tutors of a Club in the initiation stage, which has its own research proposal and which it must manage to develop within a minimum of three months. Research may be from the area of Natural Sciences, Social and/or Technology and Engineering.

Who can be scientific tutors?

The scientific tutor must be a professional in the various areas of the sciences who has the degree of Master or Doctor, or either, who is currently pursuing postgraduate studies.

Must be a person motivated by science and technology, you want to contribute from your knowledge to children, girls and young scientists who are starting out at this stage of fundamental training.


Application form