Outline a strategy that allows to strengthen the capacities of the team of professionals of the Scientific Committee of the environmental court first was the objective of the meeting held with the doctor in public health and researcher of the Centre for advanced of Chronic diseases, Sandra Cortés.

Ministers in Sciences Marcelo Hernandez and Fabrizio Queirolo together with the professionals who make up the Scientific Committee of the environmental court first met the doctor cuts to analyze the work that has made the specialist and can contribute to provide expertise to the team with respect to the assessment of risk in health to environmental exposures.

The Minister Marcelo Hernández said "it's priority to strengthen the expertise enabling the Court to make the best decision with the technical-scientific fundamentals of punta, so these approaches with high experience in the Department of public health doctors and specialists, Environmental of the Faculty of Medicine of the Pontificia Universidad Católica epidemiology, We are of great relevance".


Dr. Sandra Cortes concentrates its research activity in the area of environmental and occupational epidemiology, contaminants health risk assessments environmental, studies of exposure to chemical pollutants (metals, pesticides, other chemical substances) and studies on zoonotic diseases.

See note complete: First environmental court