The innovative program 1.000 genomes brings together multiple institutions: Regulation of the genome Center (CRG), Center of mathematical modeling, Advanced Center of chronic diseases of the University of Chile (ACCDIS), Gerociencia and Metabolism Center (GERO) and the Millennium Institute of Integrative Biology. And it aims general assess the genome in the Chilean population both in the native flora and fauna of our country. Dr. Miguel Allende, Director of CRG, He stressed the importance of finding out the genetic code of our population, as ethnicity and migration determines an important part of our features. On the other hand, the program represents a major advance in terms of health, will determine the prevalence and dynamics of risk factors associated with the development of chronic diseases, to the quality of life and cognitive performance. For example, sampling will be available for women who have certain types of cancer susceptibility and thus be tracking, prevent and choose the best treatment, added Dr. Sergio Lavandero, Director of ACCDIS.
