Catterina Ferreccio, head of the PhD in Epidemiology at the Catholic University and a member of the Covid-19 Advisory Committee of the Minsal, says the virus hasn't changed substantially, but people do, and that this change has changed the landscape of the pandemic. Part with a recount.

In the heart of winter, Tells, we were on the ropes, but after the peak came a sustained decline that slowed down only a week ago “due to reopening”. Hospitalizations for Covid have also declined, although that drop has also slowed down in the last week.

“Covid still accounts for 70% of hospitalizations, but at least there's been a major relief”, says. “Why are these casualties? Why this relief?”, wonders.

“It's because of people's self-care”, you answer. “That's the only serious explanation.. People no longer behave in the same way as they behaved at the beginning of the pandemic. Especially the most vulnerable groups, who are older adults and people with chronic diseases, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, diabetics and hypertensive”.

Even if there are “free chipe”, Ferreccio chart, “older adults aren't going out on the street. They are not exposed. That means that the new cases that are taking place, they're not one of those people who have the hardest time in hospitals. And it's important for people to be clear about this: that the effort you've been making all this time has worked and is going to keep working”.

The principle of self-care, says Ferreccio, takes on special relevance at the Festivities, “regardless of whether we're quarantined, in transition, opening or whatever”, because it's a date where risky situations occur. Mainly because of family reunions. Dr. Ferreccio has a couple of things to say about it..

Outdoor . “What I would recommend is to avoid risky situations. I'm seniors and by this eighteen I'm going to pass by. I prefer to miss it until a vaccine or effective treatment appears, we don't have. But of course, mental health is a strong thing and many older people get depressed. In that case, if the family group decides to meet, you have to do it outdoors anyway. There is growing evidence that most contagion occurs by air and exposing old people to an enclosed precinct, is to force them to breathe the virus”.

We're all infected . “The mentality with which we have to face these meetings is to think that we are all infected and that we can all infect the elderly or the people who belong to risk groups. It is now known that both asymptomatic and presymptomatic (infected who haven't developed symptoms yet) can spread and no one has the magic wand to know if it's carrying the virus or not. So the elders don't even have to touch them, nor hug them, nor kiss them and you have to stay at a distance of two meters from them, always wearing a mask. Being outdoors and in these conditions, it's practically impossible to infect them”.

No singing. “Now it is known that one can spread with the simple act of breathing, but it spreads even more if he sings or screams. So no singing for the 1 8, less singing in the face of older people. And if you sit at a table, in the yard of a house, for example, we have to be two meters away from them. Older people should always wear masks, except for eating”.

The children. “Going with children to these meetings is very complicated because it is more difficult to control them to keep their esttachment. The children, and this is now known for sure, are able to infect. So far children have not produced as many contagions because the vast majority have been bound, but in countries where they've returned to school, the epidemic has soared again. And it is also known that infected children have a tremendous viral load on their mucus”.

Oneself. “In these times of transition or openness, oneself has to make it clear to others that respect for health standards. If I'm in a supermarket line and someone comes too close to me, you have to tell him to stay away. If I go into a warehouse and there's a lot of people, you have to go in alone if there's a guarantee that I'll have a meter around with the rest, at least. If I go to a rest, the chick has to wear a mask because it's a transmitter.

If I have to go somewhere, the safest thing is to use your own car, and in case you don't have a car, the micro, because you have a better chance with the windows. If I want to get out of the house because I'm bored, the safest thing is to go for a walk in the park. All parks should be open, in fact. And of course, you have to keep washing your hands and always wear the masks. Because even if you get infected using a mask, you're likely to develop a mild Covid, because you prevented the infection from going with a big viral load. It has been shown that if you get a lot of viruses at once, your immune system may not be able to react strongly enough”. Today.

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